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A Life in Words

Kelly Gammon White started writing in elementary school and is still very proud of her reworking of Empire Strikes Back (before she knew such a thing as fan fiction existed.)  She moved toward short stories in high school and studied writing in college.  She graduated and began a career as a documentary producer/writer.  But, love intervened in the way of four children in six years, and novel writing at Starbucks became her thing.  Fast forward to the last child going to college and Kelly went back to school herself.  One MFA in Creative Writing later, and novels were now the form of choice.  While teaching at American University, Kelly wrote the first Finnegan Close manuscript - along with three other novels so stay tuned!  Her goal is to write stories that entertain and reward the reader with what can only be called happy endings. She believes everyone has struggled enough these past few years, so happy endings are in order!  Watch this space for books, novellas, short stories and other fictional offerings from Author Kelly Gammon White.   

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